10 students

We invite you to be spiritually hungry for truth and embark on a journey of life changing discovery!

It is time to equip a new brand of leaders and believers in the Body of Messiah. Traditional Bible Schools do not have the answer because they are sorely lacking in the area of Church History — The Jewish Roots of the Faith and Israel. Most Bible Schools teach a mixture of Replacement Theology with the Word. The End-Time MAP (Messianic-Apostolic-Prophetic) leaders will have none of the hang-ups of Replacement Theology and will know that they are grafted into the Olive Tree with Israel. They will be leaders that will know the Gospel as preached by the Jewish Messiah Himself and His first Jewish Apostles with signs, wonders, and miracles following. During these trying times of storms and shakings, the “cheap grace gospel” has no solid answers! We must repent and be restored to the Fear of YAH (God) in the same way that the Early Church experienced when they walked in much Glory and authority. It is time for a Church, like Esther, Ruth, and Cornelius, to arise and to be a blessing to Israel using the Key of Abraham of Genesis 12:3 to open entire nations for revival!

Are you ready to flow into the MAP Revolution? The 21st Century like the 1st Century!?

If you are ready come and get equipped: the Global Revival MAP Bible School will change your life and through you the life of others. A fierce, loving, holy, powerful, truthful, Messianic-Apostolic-Prophetic Army is arising, and you are called to take your position as a soldier of Messiah.

Archbishop Dominiquae Bierman

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